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Not On Bread Alone

Apr 29, 2021

IN THIS EPISODE: Jesus says some pretty heavy (and important) stuff and we are introduced to a new style of podcast.

Apr 22, 2021

IN THIS EPISODE: we're making some changes to the recording studio this week

Apr 15, 2021

IN THIS EPISODE: Jesus heals a paralyzed man, turns into "Ninja Jesus", we see the debut of "Mob Boss Jesus" (you'll know it when it happens), and the Pharisees DO NOT like it!

Editor's Note: clearly "Ninja Jesus" and "Mob Boss Jesus" are not actual depictions of the risen Lord and Savior of mankind

Apr 8, 2021

IN THIS EPISODE: we see Jesus on the move in Galilee and we meet a royal official (nicknamed "Ted") whose son is dying. 

Apr 1, 2021

IN THIS EPISODE: We explore the secret snacks that keeps Jesus' ministry fueled, and hope to become more Samaritan woman-like.